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Creating a Group

Groups allow Teachers and Creators to keep track of user Module progress.

To create a Group goto your 'My Modules' tab (1) then click the 'Dashboard' button (2).


This brings you to the Groups section. Here you can see all Groups you have created. At a glance it gives you the name of the group, the code users need to join the group and the number of students that are in each group.​

To create a new Group click the 'Create new group' button.


Then you need to give the Group a name then click the 'ok' button.


After creating your group a code is generated which users will need to join your group.​

To change your Group settings you can click the 'Open Group' button.

Creating Groups

Group Settings

Group settings allow Teachers/Creators to add modules to watch. You can add all students/users to specific modules or you can add specific students/users to modules to watch their progress.

If needed you can add other Group Owners who can also change Group settings.

To st​art with we need to add modules to our Group to watch our students/users progress.

This can be done by clicking the 'Add' button to the right of the module names.

You can choose from modules you have created or have editor rights to.


Once a module has been added to a group you can see the 'Group Results' section appear near the top of the page (1).​

For ease of use your Group code is displayed at the top of the page (2).


In this example image a student/user has joined our Group and we are able to choose weather to assign the 'MyFirstModule' module to all students/users or just the users we want, in this case there is only 1 person to add who is called test1.​


Here we have assigned the 'MyFirstModule' to all students and can see their progress. The Group Results show the Name of the students/users on the left then the number of points they achieved in each quest. The total points they received is to the far right of the table.​

Group Settings

Joining Groups

People can join Groups to share their progress with Teachers or an Organisation that created a Module.​

Goto your profile settings by left clicking on the profile image at the top right of the screen.​


Now click the 'Join Group' button near the top of the window.​


Now you can enter the code of a Group you want to join and click the 'ok' button​


Then you are shown the Group name just to make sure you are joining the correct Group. To continue click the 'ok' button.​


Great! now you have joined your first Group. If you want you can join another or leave any Group you have joined by pressing the 'Leave Group' button in red.​


You can see Modules assigned to you by your Group by going to the 'My Learning' (1) tab then clicking the button of the Group you want to see (2).​


Here you will see all modules assigned to you for your Group.​

Joining Groups





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